Hey 'yall!
I was tagged by Abby to do this tag (I think she made it!) and it was such a cute tag and I was so excited to do it! :D
Basically, what you have to do is, list fourteen things that you want to do. Then, you have to accomplish this within seven days and post pictures as evidence.
I decided not to post this until my seven days are up so that you can already see the pictures! :)
So, here goes.
♥Clean my room
♥Leave nice comments on 20 blogs
[Sorry for the disgusting quality!]

♥Leave the house with no makeup on
♥Update my Tumblr at least once a day
♥Take a picture in pajamas
♥Lose 2 pounds
♥Do something about my nasty dry feet
♥Downsize my closet
♥Make an effort to clean my laptop
♥Prepare my outfits early for the next seven days
♥Clean my purse
I didn't complete all the things I set out to do, but I will still try to do them. I think I did good though.
And can everyone please do this and comment a link to the post? I would LOVE to see what you guys come up with.
To make it official, I tag everybody. So, in you post, you can be like "Michelle tagged me." Doesn't really matter. :D
To make it official, I tag everybody. So, in you post, you can be like "Michelle tagged me." Doesn't really matter. :D
Fun tag and you have good skin!:D
***** Marie *****
Thank you! It's genetics more than anything! :)
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