Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Haul: Nail Polishes. Yes. Challenge OVER.

Hi guuuuyyyys!!

I'm a fail!

The challenge is over!

I bought two nail polishes.

But definitely worth it! I loooove the colors!
So, yeah! Project Makeup Collection is still ongoing. I haven't purchased any makeup items. But nail polish, DEAD.

If you don't know what I'm talking about, Click here for the post about the challenge. :)

Hope you like!


lavender said...

Hi Michelle

It's difficult not to buy any beauty products for some time. I am trying hard too.

thanks for visiting me and leaving your kind comments. keep up the good work!

Michelle said...

Thanks lavender!!

It was hard but I just couldn't resist these colors! :)

Hazel said...

pink ba yung isa, or orange? ohnoes i'm color blind! hahaha

Michelle said...

Hahaha! Gitna ng pink and orange. :))

Aya said...

Napaisip ako sa comment ni Hazel ah. Red nga 'yung tingin ko eh. Haha :)

I like the green one! NOTD :DDD

Michelle said...

HAHAHA My color blind friends! :)))

Will do! :D

Anonymous said...

that nail polish challenge is hard.
thats ok :) i like the mint green one. i think it would suit your hand skin tone well.

Michelle said...

oh wow! Thanks Reina! That was the one I really liked!ü i was looking into buying more pastels. They're so pretty!

carinamodella said...

i prefer the green one...it's cool and appealing to the eye

Michelle said...

I might paint my nails with that one next! :)

Marie said...

Look at that bright green. Hello, summer!:D

***** Marie *****

Witoxicity said...

It's OK. We're all in the same boat. Can't resist. :)

Michelle said...

@Marie: The green one chips like crazy! LOL

@Witoxicity: LOL! Glad to hear I'm not alone! :)