Hi guys!
So I've been trying to get myself into the swing of things when it comes to my blog but I realized, the idea of maintaining a blog on my own wasn't appealing to me anymore.
I'm moving my blog to this address:
It's a blog that I'm going to have with my friend, Ina.
I posted my room tour over there as our first post.
Thank you guys for making me a little less lonely all this time!! I hope you guys continue what you were doing here, only in a new link.
Hopefully I see you all over there.
If not, then thank you so much still!
Mitch :)
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
Thursday, March 21, 2013
03/21/2013 - Welcome back & Styling Activity
Is anybody still reading this?
I came back on here and I realized that I haven't posted anything for 13 months! I've been missing going on here and sharing what has been happening so here's my second try at this.
I've been drowning in homework and other things which was why free time is a rare commodity to me these days.
Speaking of homework, we actually had a pretty cool school activity today. We were giving a certain set of pieces of furniture and we had to style these pieces in whatever way we deemed fit. Here are the products of the hard work of our class.
Pretty cool, right?
It was so so so tiring but the end product seemed pretty awesome.
Now let's see if I will actually be more consistent this time around. I really did enjoy the time I used to spend on here so here's to a successful second try.
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Giveaway (Php1k GC) and then some...
Oh, hi!
Remember me?
I'll keep it short and sweet cause I wanna sleep. lol
I haven't been here in two months! I've been drowning in floor plans, and I just got my shit in order which is why I'm temporarily back.
If alls you care about is the giveaway, then just scroll the heck down. That stuff is right around the bottom of the page.
Anyways, how are you guys? I just hit 400 even if I wasn't posting anything for the longest time which really doesn't make any sense to me whatsoever. But thanks! :D
So, here's what I looked like today.
blazer, dress and boots from f21
Oh oh and before I forget, yall should check out the Ksays Store they sell like BB and iPhone cases. I'll leave a link of it in the tab area above.
So, yeah.
On to the giveaway.
All you have to do is hit me up on twitter (@michellealyssat) and tell me a joke.
That's it.
And you could win a 1,000 peso GC from Ensembles!
So yeah, tell me a joke on Twitter and you can win the GC.
So there you go.
You don't have to be a follower or anything just go to my twitter, and tweet me something funny.
I'll pick a winner February 1, 2012. I'll DM the winner on Twitter. So yeah!
I'm back indefinitely and I guess I'll see you next time!
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Bizarre Day
Did I say bizzare? I meant BAZAAR! =))
Okay corny.
Anyways, last Saturday, I went to the Fashion Rev bazaar.
I was kinda on a tight budget so I wasn't able to make much purchases. But it was still cool to hang out at the place.
Another thing that made hanging out at the bazaar fun was the little segments they had on the little stage they had set up.
Anywhoo, I love the fact that even if you don't have extra cash, the Fashion Rev bazaar was still a good place to hang out because of the little workshops they prepared.
After the Fashion Rev bazaar, Ann, Aya, her friend, Paulo and I headed on over to the Noel bazaar for the Miss Kat Soap product launch.
Miss Kat Soap is a cosmetic brand that wants every girl to feel happy and beautiful inside and out. We deliver products that promises for a healthy, nourished skin - naturally.
I'll talk to you guys again soon! :D
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Just dropping by
MIA for so long.
Sorry sorry!
Will make up for it on Saturday!
But for the mean time, please like this fan page!
It's for work!
Thank you!
Monday, November 7, 2011
Happy (Insert name of holiday here) Guys!
I went to my friend's house today then to Megamall afterwards. The mall was crazy packed! Had to park way way over at Shang.
Anywhoo... here's what I wore today!
Long Top, Greenhills; Vest, Hand Me Down; Bag, SM Department Store; Shoes, Market Market
Oh and here's a mini-haul. A really really really tiny shoe haul.
The one above, the boyfriend got for me for our 2 year anniversary. I died when I saw this. THEY ARE TOO CUTE! They bought them from Nava.
The one below I just HAD to buy for myself. I got it a while ago from Forever 21 for Php1,870. I got the last pair of size 8's. Serendipity! :)
This has pretty much been how my room has been looking these days. It looks like it has been hit with whatever calamity we have nowadays.
Photo from Wikipedia.
Did any one of you guys watch this when you were younger? I think I was 8 when I saw this on TV or something.
I used to love this movie.
I remember thinking it was the funniest sh*t I have ever seen.
Ima watch now so, yeah.
Seen you!
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Nice Poncho!
By michellealyssat at 2011-10-23
Top, f21; inner, f21; shorts, greenhills; shoes, f21; bag, target
By michellealyssat at 2011-10-23
My little brother went to the ICA fair and got me this turtle necklace that I turned into a bracelet.
Anywhooo, my sister and I went to our gown fiting for our cousins wedding.
This is what my gown looks like.
By michellealyssat at 2011-10-23
It's the blue one! Isn't the color pretty??
The designer was Jot Losa and his office was adorable! :-)
By michellealyssat at 2011-10-23
By michellealyssat at 2011-10-23
Oh, and my mom got my nw shoes for the wedding too! Look!
By michellealyssat at 2011-10-23
Anyways, we went to the cemetery today. Look what we saw.
By michellealyssat at 2011-10-23
I didn't even notice the rain that much. :-/
Hope you like! :-)
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